Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Major Lessons Learned

With philosophy, there are many questions that are still unanswered. Every premises has different conclusions which leads on creating different arguments. Philosophy provides us, students, the tools we need to critically examine our lives and our world. Philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle gave huge contributions to philosophy, without them, do you think people will have normal lives? 

In Philosophy, relativism is a popular theme for philosophical debates. There are many faces of relativism: Cultural relativism, a view that no culture is superior to any other culture where all beliefs and norms are equally valid, depending on the cultural environment. With this, the moral code dictates what is right or wrong within a society. It claims that there is no universal truth; Conceptual relativism, it claims that man should shape the reality by the way how he conceptualize it; Constructivism claims that reality is not emperically investigated or observed only but interpreted, manipulated to construct; Post modernism says that people should believe or truth is created by powerful people; New relativism says that there is a common truth. With these different faces, do you still know or do you even know what philosophers are debating about?

For me, each society have different norms and beliefs, we cannot just accuse them that what they're doing is wrong or right (based on our beliefs) because they live in a different society. Lesson learned? 

-- Think before you judge.

Here's a video summary of what cultural relativism is:

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